
Friday, January 11, 2013


my bla-bla-bla time using turban hijab
i'm okay, it's true ? ;P

lets talk about an outfit :
top: sista's
turban: naztspark
watches: GUESS
shoes: naztspark on shoes
bag, necklace: both itc mangdu

i felt a bit susyee apa yaa bahasa engreess ny hard ? long ? ah lemme forget
using that top because when i'm get wudhu the lengan (ehe) hard to being fold
mhm i dunno why

but its OK with the pants meski agak kegedean i thought thats no a big problem
mhm, why i look like a fashion star ? aaahh a lemme forget

that day i just went to the office and when the working time ended, i've my time to go to tailored for look after my design of hijab.
well, bubyee see you on the next post fella'