
Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Clearence of Prol Tape D'pa

Well, the previous post is me and my fams business, the effort is come from 5 years ago when my mother really really want to help dad to made an progressive income. I dont know why my mom is so curious in this effort, and now, time to me to make a further more of this effort.

You know tat the taste is really good. The smell so tangible with our nose. Especially the cherry once, and the raisins .. But don't you forget the original taste and cheese taste of this prol tape. mmh, smell really cooky delicious !

If you want to tasted it further, please come to my 'lil home cookcoorporate at P. antasari st. MAN saint No. 3/38 ..  The concept of franch is ready to move on you soon who wants to develop this business wherever you are and i bet you'll get a bigger profit then the others. Insya Allah SWT

I'll give you the direction after the boothcook is prepare in our house ..
i guess, as soon as possible. For the next we also have a boothy of this business at the place where is still bein' our coorp. secret.

Near days, we'll move onto a new blog or site .. Thankies

Our family efforts

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

a belated post : my sister's wedding

congrats for the georgous weddin' event ..
i was felt such a regret at the end of the party
that cause of  i was so hurry to went home ..
i did not take a photo of mine ...

Trims Julz

Dear July,
thanks for all d'great that lifes has offered ..
and know its time for me to go, enjoys the process of making a big challenge ..,

get a bless  from 4WI Subhana wata'ala
is the aim of our project

Saturday, July 21, 2012

welcoming hana dina

who does not in the same idea with me that this kind of woman is cool yet stylish and smart ?
her name is hana tajima and once again dina toki-o (@dinatokio)

in this photo told us their in the wacky phootoshoot still in the sisterhood event. whatta surprise ..

*click on the source to have the big resolution

Fashiont Worlds ~

to youu who wants give me a georgous picture
someone who don't bother with this fadness .. hheheu

i was felt unhappiest to meet you
but thank you and happy puasa kaka :p

however, at that time .. hc committe didn't appear so many person, but i'm  quite awkward to go there at the first time,to went there i accompanied by mom for sure and also cut.

dian pelangi .. your event ran so fast, but succes to the fullest.and i know i'll buy ur street style novel next.

and i hope this event will be held again someday ..   

jezmine and ami scaheera
jump to meet you, ukhties :D 

i think i didn't saw you on sisterhood event 15th july
but i saw both of u, i do adores The scarflet especially yuna zarai and kak ami. so fabulous 

Someday i've a dream to go to malaysia, aamin ya rabb
But the main destination is to shopping at your boutique, hii, i was regretful enough canceled to buy a flowery headband on your booth when the day of sisterhood. are you made flatshoes in old blossom box ? i'm adorable ur stuff. Sometimes, i ever open you insta up date in twitter, i was save the pic and thought want to buy ur stuff in malaysia, but when ?

when i saw nada. she was so beautiful with all of wardrobe that she worn.
i adores you like the clothes fits you :D

Marhaban ya Ramadhan =]


Mudah-Mudahan amal ibadah kita dapat menjadikan kita insan muslimah yang lebih baik dari sebelum-belumnya

Friday, July 20, 2012

sum little thing yaa

dear friends, could you guess .. where is it ? i think this place too strange for me. why i can say tat ?

could you try to guess what ..

ok let us talk about that, when i wait sum one while he were at campus, sometimes, i need to call or text him and say to him that my handphone account is Rp 0 instead of borrowed someone unrecognized phone cell just to give him a text. poor me .. hahaha

ok just intermezzo (gegayaan)*
jadi itu knp wartel ga d fungsiin coba ?
and you know that ? when i edited this foto i feel a bit curious why oh why ..

lets stopped to think about ..

Thursday, July 19, 2012

another Fashion Quote and Promoting ~_n

Helloooo (!)

Be ur own fashion Guru. -Ola Aswandi HC

Fashionista has a way trademark within style by 'em hijab, and it could be optimum experimental. - the quote (inspirated by hana tajima) 

Wear hijab and you'll b fashion . Lulu el Hasbu

U don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up.
Shalom Hallow

Being hijab not always being out and bored, Do mix 'n match, you r ready to well-prepared. 

Fashion is like a twitter. U could follow, but should not always retweet.

by the way, beside tweet i tell you, my own culinary business in here :

Food Comes and Go, Cookieookies stay in the head. *DiPasteeszt

Go follow us

every info i'll share you temporary on that twitter, inshaAllah personal blog, and facebook. 
wait for following updates such a delicious cookie n_n

Sisterhood by Dian Pelangi ft Hijab Scarf :)

ki-ka: Hana faridl, Dina toki-o, Hana Tajima Simpson, Fifi Alvianto
now i kno, why hijab scarf is quite long due to up-date their blog it might cause of the exclusively of blog is that.
 the event running too fast, aaa i won't move on ;p
da great MC 
disini teh fitri ny mirip meyda safira deh .. hehe

 georgous guessstar

 inspiring Dian

so really congratulations fo you Dian Pelangi :)

intinya dari acara itu banyak dpt pelajaran di antaranya jd pribadi harus much more strong, expressive, and love whatever you wanna do, dan just ignore who take you in the minoritas or a fatal gap. InshaAllah, they love you instead of hating you.

and Hijab is the main clause :)

then, jd ajang introspeksi jg aplg moment ny pas sblum ramadhan. Klo pake hijab itu bukan ajang main-main dan itu adalah yang hal yang paling utama dan tetep be fashion spti kata kak lulu d salah satu koran. he
jilbab juga bsa mempengaruhi yang memakainya bukan menutupi keburukan si pemakainnya, jadi sudah terjilbab in atau belum hatinya (ambil istilah yg zmn skrg), hijab tetap menjadi suatu kebutuhan dan kewajiban tntunya bagi seorang muslimah.

nb: sorry for the quality of photo that i take ;)

Brave's Movie Review

uhm, at first i am confused cause on the other hand , the sister (brasa sheren am zaskia sh ini )) asked me to do her magister test, i dunno the kind of test, but before the days she told me to go to her college, i feel like embrassed, don't know what to do on the paper, and lil bit grogi *blm dtg aj udh grogi, gmn dsana nya. whoaa

Ok, i and mommy disagree if her daughter become a jocky of her sister's affair. so sorry kak, :p
Then, i went to the movietheater very early in the morning around 9 'clock to accompanied my mummie.

the movie was so weird, i thought. Brave 3D. this movie is produce from London but the production house is in Disney Pixar which is as we know US coorporate. well, no matter yaa ? 

hhmm.. Brave told us the story about a girl named Merida who is daughter of The King Argus and his queen named .. yaaa mentioned her Fleur.


the story contained a lesson to us become a great children of our motherhood. Merida was pushed by her parents to marriage a man whom came from a lets say `district" of another strange relatives kingdom. 

But Merida denied and go to someone whose forest inhabitant as a witch. She had gave princess a "ramuan" which change her mother Queen Elenour become a 'scary big panda'. whh


In the end, Merida was realized her fault and go repentance, and fully helping her mother in her problem to cook up her look after much a looks she changed. omai God, whatta movie! i dont know after all. is she marry a cool prince from negeri sebrang ? or she become wanita islamiah ? .. LoL*

Because when her father came to lookafter Merida before his daughter was recognized to his friends, the princess used like a hijab instead of and really forgetful the process while her mother changed into A huge panda. 

But once i knew her father cut the tapestry with his pedang porah. hihi which after all obligated Princess Merida to sew it again.  

 See you on my next post dear reader bravely n_p

Friday, July 6, 2012

After Graduate


the day was came and i found my name with S.H behind nazra F.arrusyda. i am really honour and proud of being fresh graduate from university such UNILA altough i missed my graduation ceremonial. hiks ffu

there's many reason which came before i didn't attend that part. i am sick , my stomach went to be maag exactly. i am feeling such a horrible to mommy and dad, also my grandma because of tat.  i hope it doesn't change my real name on academical campus. huehe *pedemodeon

Thank you so bad to:
`Guru" yang sekurang-kurangny dsb kumplit @ script (but here...)  :D
`bagian akademik, berkas, anak kkl di kampus FH,dll
`mhsswa/i junior-senior, tmn", belajar, bekerja, mencatat, celoteh, cerita, kerjasama,dan bebantu, serta  menginspirasi. :p
`penjual koran
`pnjaga gdung
`penduduk kantin, kntin darurat, security,ft cpy,perpus.

agak jobless sbnrnya sy, hhe

the most of all , for mom and dad pure ..