
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Past Featured

i was featured by one of mornin' newspaper at my town named Tribunnews Lampung, my name was mentioned by my sista nadhine when they were interviewed by the reporter, blushing *) meanwhile i'm still doing my KKN practice at that time.

the link:

goodbye dearest whos stopped ..
see ya on the next post :D

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Loveable box

~ this is a D.I.Y scrapbook that i've made recently , but it's just like a photo collage with a lil' story about our wish list someday :) with a dreamytrees which i put on the corner of the box. if you see the shape of this box, it would be told you about a thing which can use to put a gift to someone that special for you, but i recycled this kind of the box to be ..  let say .. a scrapbook frame. :p yubbs! you can find this box on the book store near your home with the price cheaper than the other frame of scrapbook.

~ about the paper scrap, the first i printed out my photo with him in my cameraphone and about the instrument i got 'em from inet browsed. So, after you collect all of them you could go to :

  • the digital photo studio for print all of them in a doff photo paper with a 16R size or can be say A3 photo paper size. This is would takes 50-75 thousand IDR. 
  • Find in the bookstore a foam tape usually they'll sell it in a shape of paper foam and you must cut this with a craft cutter or scissor to be a foam square tape 1x1 cm.
  •  Dont forget to buy glue or you must use alteco glue for gum all the scraps that you've been cut before on the box.

After a lot of the things you do and after more you've had, you'll find your scrapbooks and a littles photocollage blended all. To be a sweet scrapbook to you and your someone special. Yippiye.. Done ;) Have a try :D

i inspired by tia nanda from
she's a creative person i guess ;)

mine stamp :B

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Copyright by Fireflyintothecloud.blogspot


the outfit when i went out a dinner with my kamal p. t ,, hehe

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Friend-Fellas-Fellow-Mate !

A belated posting from recently weding event of our Aisha The Hijabees Lampung Committe
Happy Wedding Anywayy ;)

 Both of these photo's taken from the reception of Putri and Ferizal. i came there with ka uli and ka nindy. Uli is our new head of ATH replace my sister Nadhine. I wish our community would have successfully development with a new leadership composition. Amin

 After the party, i arrange a meet up with mimi and ghea. I and mimi pick up ghea first bfore we went to Suki Restaurant at Bukit Randu Area. Bukit Randu is one of the place in my city where provide a very beautiful scenery catched from a hill which placed in the center of my city, Bandar Lampung. Someday, This is a Must-Have-Visit plan if u come to my city, Lampung ..

top: unbranded. skirt: the secret FO, scarf: kamiidea 

i don't even removed my make up first to met up with 'em. Even my "bulu mata anti badai" said my friend. haha. i dun care. but i felt my face a lil bit messy with this kind of make up, i dunno my make up at that time could changed me such as a kabuki from japan. ouch *cannot see*
you know that i just tuck up my dress and switch up with this new one. hehe

i'am  not reccomend for the food, but i love the ambience then.
unfortunately, ghea didn't want to take some picture with us. maybe of the condition of her heart ;p
hehe. Peace ghe :*

after met up, we stayed at ghea's room for prayed and just chit-chat.
aa, How i loved my fellas bold !

Friends comes and go but a true friend never letting go 
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advocation latta

Saturday, March 17, 2012


This Blog Made with Passion, Fascinated and ☺♡ (re:heart)
 yubbs ! Thats mine ..
Just take a look, and keep in touch {}
we'll make a friendship indeed :)

Pengalaman Pertama (#horor)

assalamualaikum wr.wr (ko jadi kyk nulis surat gni) ..
ok, malam ini sya mau sharing tentang pengalaman saya yang berhubungan dengan makhluk dari alam lain (klo ini ga salah yaa brati bener) . sy  mutusin utk pake bahasa dlu d postingan saya kali ini, biar suasana nya berasa sdikit spooky. hihihihihihii (ktawa tante kunti)

then, malam hari ini tepatnya sabtu malam minggu tanggal 17 Maret 2012 waktunya pas dateng waktu maghrib, kebetulan saya sm pacar ada acara makan(re:dating) hehe, d suatu cafe yang tepat berada d sebuah hotel d tengah kota Bandar Lampung gapake sebut merk yaa :p

Waktu mau parkir qt pilih buat parkir d parkiran basement, dan pas pertama kali masuk emg klyatan sh klo basement ambience nya rada nyeremin gtu, kita sampe dsana skitar jam 17an  .. pertama nya sh gada firasat aneh", selesai makan berfoto dll, tibalah waktu slt maghrib dan saat ini saya emg lagi dlm kondisi yg ga bersih a.ka lagi dpt. Jadilah saya nmenin pacar doang yg mau slt kmushala yg emg berada d lantai bawah (basement). O oo

Ssampainya d mushala, saya bingung mau tunggu dimana eh ternyata disediain sejenis sofa tp ada kayu gtu untuk nggu pas d depan kaca besar wastafel toilet ( jadi jalan masuk k mushala nya itu sebelah kiri nya ada toilet). Eh di dindingnya tempat sy senderan kebetulan lagi ada ky deretan kaca glassblock gtu diatasnya, pikir saya bagus kali yaa buat foto x_x

Keluarin camdi, jelek, pas coba pake BB dong, representasinya gaenak bgt tu ruangan. akirnya sya urungkan niat utk kembali berfoto disitu. jadilah saya cuma bengong ngadep kaca besar nungguin si pacar. dan secara tiba-tiba deretan kaca glassblock d atas dinding tempat saya nyender seperti ada yg ngetok dengan setengah tenaga, astagah langsung deh saya keluar dari tempat penungguan saya tadi.

eh d depannya daerah mushala dan tangga naik menuju lobby ada 2 pak satpam ga berbaju satpam separuh baya lagi tugas, lgsung deh saya curcol. trus bpk pertama blg "emang lyat apa, ada yang sliweran ? apa gmna ? cmn perasaan km aja kali" titik, k satpam yg kedua saya crita klo "ada yg ngetok gtu dari glassblock, duh takut gini" sambil dgn perasaan was was.(cieeeh ;p) eh ga lupa juga saya nanya sm pak satpam yang pertama tadi "sblomnya ini tempat apa ?" katanya "Gudang Bentoel Rokok". Jeng!

Terus kt bpak yg kedua itu "jangan takut doong". Jadilah saya memberanikan diri saat itu dan balik lagi buat ngguin pacar di sofa yang tadi, pas saya balik pacar saya udah mulai shlt berjamaah, alhamdulilah saya agak tenang dan berpikir klo ga kan ada lagi yg mau gangguin saya, krna ada bacaan" Allah gtu yang berkumandang.

Baiklah, dan ternyata dugaan saya salah, setelah shalat mereka selesai, pcr sy  k toilet dlu, gatau buat ngapain saya tetep stay d tempat saya. Mulailah ada yang ngetok lagi dengan sepenuh tenaga, "dok dok dok dok" (salah kalo kamu pikir itu pedagang mie dok-dok) karena emg suaranya buat kita mikir. Astaghfirullah, saya nyebut, dan mulailah keluar surat al falaq sampai ayat kursi dari mulut saya, dan suara aneh itupun berhenti. Fiuhh ~~

Finally, kita keluar dari hotel berbintang empat itu. Dengan tubuh lemas saya bilang k pacar saya klo keadaan tadi emg bener" aneh, dan saya gatau pasti apa yang sedang terjadi ...

Well, apapun itu, siapapun itu,  bentuk apapun itu, saya berdoa mudah"an saya ga ktmu lagi dengan kejadian" mistis yg bikin sluruh badan saya lemes plus pikiran aneh muter. Astaghfirullah, dari kejadian ini saya belajar ..

  • Sadar klo slama ini saya tinggal d planet bumi bukan cuma manusia aja tapi ada juga makhluk lain yang menempati sisi lain di bumi ini yang gamau ketinggalan eksis.
  • Perlu banget havalan surat-surat kya ayat kursi, an-nas, alfalaq, al ikhlas. sma ga berenti mnta ampun sm Allah dengan astaghfirullah.
  • Jadi ce kalo namanya lagi dapet mesti taktis a.ka siap segalanya. siap buat bersih dari ujung kepala smpai ujung kaki, ya shampoan, potong kuku(diem-diem buka aib)he , dll. 
Sekian cerita mistis di malam minggu, smoga bermanfaat buat yang baca. Aamin

Our rockin' dinner

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

style spotted : Peachy Grateful

top: House of Nabilia, skirt: unbranded, scarf: unbranded, bag: Guess

Well, 14 march 2012, just say goodbye! and the struggle for graduate will goes on 14 june 2012. 
i invited by some of my friend who graduated so thats my outfit  at that day.
Happy Graduated dear fellas :*
i wish you nothing but the best for your job later :)

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Copyright by Fireflyintothecloud.blogspot
advocation latta

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

lovely day on the bookfair

shawl: unbranded, top: baloon top by dian pelangi
unfortunately, my battery camera digital left at my home so i can't take my outfit at that day . im sorry :D
yay! i came to islamic book fair @ istora senayan special for launching the fashion book Inspiration by Ria Miranda. She's one of my favourite designer, she is so chic like her line name 'Shabby Chic' :D

i'm so glad to came to that launching because i met the hijabers commitee esp. ka ina, she also sang a song when the event held, she is so humble person, very kind and cute also. aaa, cant wait to move on to Jakarta.

i also met the publisher from kriya pustaka co. named Benedicta. i plan to appreciate my script with publish 'em to public. Maybe my script can help the other person who need an information of investment in Indonesia in scheme Public Private Partnership (PPP).
wism me have a bunch of luck ;)


sometimes you have to go to one places which could provide you another view to refresh your brain. i decide to go to the museum. Well, since i born at this town, i never enter the museum of this town named 'Museum Lampung'. This is the one and only museum at my city Bandar Lampung. we can find the oldschool thingy in this place which is to be our city heritage from the ancient periode of time. and you know what, this activity could add our nationalism to ur city, like me i just being in love again with my hometown "bandar lampung'. LOVE LOVE <3

style spotted : dusty hecticity

pants; maindland heritage, top: gda by ghaida's, bag: bonia, scarf: kamiidea, shoes; itc