
Sunday, September 23, 2012

style capture : Sorry Patrol

 Love Spark jacket jeans, Love Spark shawl, Mooie (fb) top, legging: ITC Mangdu 
unbranded bag, for shoes

once upon a day i want to take a photo of mine so bad ..

i and my boyf hunting all the place in town where provide beautiful scenery, first place we went to pahoman, and we found the place which is meant to be .. but when we ask permission to take a picture to the security, thats building's boss has been in jail.  so the building was seal. tetoot.. guess him ,, He is Alay (tripanca case) why he was called with that name , is he an anak layangan in his age? lemme forget

suddenly appeared an idea, how if container terminal ?
i remember when i went to jakarta, i saw the colourful containers in port area, we searched very long an we didn't find that place, well. i must accept the condition, and decided to take a picture anywhere.

but the place where we came has really creepy banyak orang-orang pelabuhan yg GJ gtuh, we are doubtful at first and wanna turn back. 
uugh, tp mengingat udah smpe situ, yah masa iya ga fto ? 

eing ing eng .. hehe
when we still take some photo of mine, suddenly patrol came ..  like a thriller movie you know..
it turns out that the place is forbid to take picture.. m m
yaa gmn atuh pak uda tlanjur , ya masa iya poto nya mau bapak apus ? he (dlm hati sih ye ye ye la la la untung uda dpet fto ny, biar cuma dkit tp lumyan lah ya dr pd ngga) hhi jgn sedih ya pak .. (abis supir ny langsung nunduk berasa bersalah gtu, takut kena sanksi kali yaa, waaaaduuuh ):p
salah siapa ga psg papan pngumuman "gaboleh foto"?

really unforgetable experience just to take a photo with him .. 
jng kapok yaaa A :P

Sunday, September 16, 2012

style capture: Socialite of buckingham

Outfit :
Bigjill top
Indij by Indira putri pants
scarf: ITC mangdu
necklace: ITC mangdu
bag: Guess
shoes: Reshoppe

yeeee, this is my first time to met my boyf after he decided to move on bangka belitung, i'm so excited to met him since 2 months we did'nt meet each other.

we went to 21 for watch Radio Galau, hhe i choosed this movie because i'm a big fan of dimas anggara, he is so cute, isn't he ? the movie is great and so funny you know. after the movie, we have a dinner in a cafe named Social Place, yesterday is not enough, if we compare to intensity of our daily met before we're graduated,aaa, i won't forget 'em. :(

But, the time has change. we must try to deal with the situation ahead. soo i think i'm agree with a song which the tittle is 'Long distance is killing me' .. hahaha

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Si kutu buku wanna be a Dreamcatcher

Silver wedding dinner mom&dad's

 style captured
top: Ria Miranda 
skirt: FO in bandung
hijab: made by my sist
bag: Guess
sandals: Spyderbilt, Planet surf

fun dinner with fams at pizza hut plaza lotus, sebenr ny mkn mlm ini dlm rangka ulg thn perkawinan perak mm sm ab .. tp berhubung udh lewat dan 2-2nya kyk malu-malu gtu .. jadi yaudahlah .. yg penting makan dan kumpul, jarang-jarang kan bsa ngumpul gni  XOXO

a story in Gang kecil d daerah ampel, Surabaya.

zara dress, unbranded jacket, freebies shabilla on scarf, louis vitton bag

this is my style on raya days ..
actually,  this is not absolutely new stuff, maybe one of you have already saw me with this dress, sweater and scarf.. ya! i did mix and match 'em into suitable clothes to silaturahim on lebaran days ;)
not bad rite ?

i think this mudik time to Surabaya and Jogjakarta (city where's my mom's come from) really unforgettable for me .. i don't know whether in the next of raya days i could go there again or not. hiks
hopefully, if Allah SWT give us longevity (Aamin) i'll see you again ..

now time to share my experience in this 'lil saint near wisata religi Ampel :
ya, we went there by car, so we must park in front of shopping area, and walking through this saint to Pasar Ampel, before arrived on Masjid Sunan Ampel and the graveyard of well-known islamic missionaries in East Java named Sunan Ampel.

The mosque is really great, but i dunno why the women's pray area is separated and thats really like i called pesakitan. ups. Yaa i thought thats really inversely with the great mosque .. because my mom and i already pray jamak qashar ashar we accompanied mami zub to prays asr on mosque inside the Pasar Ampel.
my mom said the mosque look a like Masjid Jin in Mecca. hmm , made us lied on a real ambience of Masjid jin (pdahal mah blom pernah ksana dan gtau bentuknya kyk apaan dan apa isinya jin-jin smua yaa smoga aja suatu saat bsa smpe ksana) :)

well, time for shoping .. i found many accesories in this market, my mom said again and again this market just like Pasar Seng in Mecca. bikin penasaran aja nh si mama gmn bentuknya itu pasar seng, huh
i bought some india bangles, edgy turqoise bangles, and the last earings.
you know i just spent 46.000 idr, cheap rite ?

after that we went to graveyards area and met daddy and syafiq who did nyekar makam nya sunan ampel while i enjoyed shopping time with mom and mami x_x

Then, this is my hunting result :

satisfied with shop and wisata religi we back through the saint and met bude madura who sell  bubur madura with canil, lupis and toping gula merah cair .. slurrrp, this is really delicious .. you have to try it !
 spent until 9000 idr
and i forget took my camera on :p

this is it my travellin' experience to wisata religi ampel
how 'bout you  ?